Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pearly Kings and Queens and The Monument

Hello everyone! Today we went to London and we saw some excellent things. We saw the Pearly Kings and Queens, which are charitable members of this organization who sew buttons and pins onto their shirts and dresses. Today we took part in their harvest festival. There was lots of dancing and music.

After seeing the Pearly Kings and Queens Harvest Festival, we went to see The Monument. The Monument was erected to commemorate The Great Fire of London, which tore through the city in 1666. The Monument was built by Sir Christopher Wren, 202 feet away from where the fire started, which is also it's height. This incredible structure is a Doric Column, with an observation deck over 300 steps up, then a golden flame at the top. From the observation deck, you can see lots of cool London landmarks.

At the top of The Monument, we could see Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge was a bridge built in 1866-1874 to cross the Thames, while not causing any trouble in the Thames. You can go to an exhibition and walk across the raised walkway, which was built to let people walk across when the bridge was lifted.

Remember our post about St. Paul's Cathedral? Well, from the top of The Monument, we could see St. Paul's. St. Paul's Cathedral was started on June 21, 1675.

You can see the Leadenhall Building, or better known as the Cheesegrater to the left, or the one that looks like a cheesegrater. The Pickle is next to the Cheesegrater, and the Walkie Talkie Building is next to the Pickle. Did you know that the Walkie Talkie can melt cars?

I'd have to say that today in London was excellent!

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