Sunday, August 23, 2015

St Albans and Waltham Abbey

Hey everyone! So now we've been in England for 3 weeks and it's been a blast! We've done some really cool things and seen some brilliant stuff that I can't wait to tell you about!

To start off, a little while ago we went to Evensong, a service at St Albans, an Anglican Cathedral. Built in 1077, St Albans Cathedral is the oldest place of continuous worship in Britain. Evensong was different from a traditional Catholic Mass because there wasn't Communion, and the songs and readings were a bit longer. Did you know that St Alban was Britain's 1st Christian martyr? This picture shows the front of this amazing cathedral. I'd say St Albans Cathedral is pretty impressive.

Last week, we also went to Waltham Abbey, to meet up with my Dad's friend Justin and his wife Elizabeth. Magnificent is an understatement for the inside of this Abbey Church. The current church is Norman and is adorned with stained glass, Zodiac symbols painted on the ceiling, and Norman pillars. Did you know that Waltham Abbey has been renovated, destroyed, or added on to at least 5 times throughout the past 1,000 years! 

Waltham Abbey is the church where King Harold was originally buried, though no one knows where he is now. His tomb (below) used to be under the altar in the church that he built, which is gone and his tomb is outside. King Harold was the King during the Norman invasion, and he died during the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

We've had an excellent time visiting some really interesting and historic churches and we can't wait to find out more.

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